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The Upper Valley Food Co-op Board of Directors may fill up to 12 seats. Five members are continuing their three-year term, therefore, we have seven open seats. Three board members are running for re-election and we have one new candidate.

Vote for up to FOUR candidates. Each candidate must receive votes from at least 25% of the members casting ballots in order to win a seat on the board. 

Votes must be cast by end of day Saturday, October 5th. You can fill out a paper ballot at the store, or use the link below to vote online.


UVFC Candidate Bios and Proposed Bylaw Changes 2024.png
UVFC Candidate Bios and Proposed Bylaw Changes 2024.png
UVFC Candidate Bios and Proposed Bylaw Changes 2024.png
UVFC Candidate Bios and Proposed Bylaw Changes 2024.png
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